The people of the Paleolithic times lived as hunter-gatherers and limited their food intake to natural and wholesome ingredients which have largely been lost due to the high level of processed foods and sugars used in foods which are consumed in the 21st-century. Returning to the natural whole foods of the past is the aim of those choosing to follow the Paleo diet which has been used by many to create a healthier, active lifestyle.
The recipes created by William Bronchick are the perfect choice for the Paleo diet as they can be adapted to fit into this form of healthy diet. Broncick has quickly become one of the top food critics in the U.S. and recently published his best-selling recipe book based on the food he consumed with his own restaurant-owning family. Living the Paleo lifestyle poses a number of issues during the Holidays as the range of sugars and empty carbohydrates on offer challenge the options open for remaining fit and healthy over the Holiday season. Although staying on course for following the Paleo diet is important, it is also the time of year when having fun with family members is the reason for enjoying the season.
During the Holidays it is important to make sure the meats and poultry used to create a feast are sourced responsibly and grass-fed to make sure the maximum amount of nutrients are available in each aspect of the meal is created. There are a lot of reasons to enjoy turkey or ham as these both form a positive part of the Paleo diet but an organically produced turkey will allow individuals the chance to avoid damaging added hormones, additive, and preservatives.
The Holidays are also a time when many of us overindulge but taking the time to make sure every aspect of a meal fits into the Paleo diet will pay off as the individual has the chance to limit the feeling of tiredness and unhappiness seen in those eating a traditional meal. Vegetables commonly form a major part of the Holiday meal but the wrong choices are often made by those eating white potatoes and macaroni cheese as the main sides of their meal. A better option is to choose mashed cauliflower created with non-dairy milk and butter to create a creamy texture; another high-nutrient option is to choose sweet potatoes over white mashed potato dishes filled with empty nutrients, vitamins, and minerals.
One problem almost everybody faces when they are looking to remain dedicated to their Paleo diet while enjoying the Holiday season is the loss of sugars from the lifestyle. Thanksgiving and Christmas are filled with sweet treats to tempt the Paleo lifestyle follower including various pies, fidges, and many more treats; deciding to stick with the Paleo diet over the Holidays does not mean abstaining from sugars completely but simply limiting these to a more natural sugar intake. Fruit-based treats can be consumed along with a range of Organic dark chocolate treats which can be consumed in moderation over the course of the Holiday season.
Another area which can cause issues for the follower of the Paleo diet is the lack of activity many of us undertake over the course of the Holidays. Staying active is a good way of working off the excess calories eaten over the course of the Holiday season which can make sure the health and active lifestyle we all wish to enjoy as we live the Paleo lifestyle. Bill Bronchick states that the stresses and strains of the Holiday season can often cause many to slip and consume a large amount of caffeine which only adds to the anxiety and nervousness often caused by a prolonged period buying gifts and spending time with loved ones.