We asked bloggers what their most favorite dessert recipe is and let’s just say that these responses make us hungry!
Rice Pudding! It brings me back to my childhood! Stephanie Sumner Stephycheers
Cheesecake is my favorite dessert because there are so many ways to add in other delicious flavors to make it totally unique, yet super tasty! Melissa @OutnumberedMama
My favorite dessert recipe is a simple one I learned from my mother-in-law. It is an “icebox” recipe – which means the fridge does the work! No baking required. It is a chocolate eclair recipe – layer graham crackers and a mix of whipped topping and milk. Just mix, layer, cover with chocolate icing, and refrigerate overnight. Julie @juliecookies
Creme Brulee! I love experimenting with different flavors and using a torch to caramelize the sugar, it makes for a fun dessert that really impresses! Jennifer Wright @stylishlysocial
My favorite dessert is Frozen Peanut Butter Pie with Chocolate Hot Sauce. This is a childhood dessert my mother made and now I make it for my children. The hot chocolate sauce adds the flavor to the peanut butter pie taste. Debbie champagne @debchampagne1
I have a great recipe for Apple Cream Pie, with sour cream and, of course, lots of chopped-up apples. It is SO delicious. I could eat it for every meal. And I have. Melanie Odette @Smellyann
If I were trapped on a desert island with just one dessert, it would be ice cream. I don’t even have to think about it. It’s my favorite, and such a versatile food! You can make ice cream sweet or savory, fruity or chocolatey, simple or packed with goodies. It’s perfect for letting your creativity and imagination go wild. I’ve made ice cream from all kinds of interesting ingredients, like smoked chocolate, roasted tomatillos, or cheddar cheese. You can even make ice creams to suit specialty diets. Vegan, paleo, sugar-free? Ice cream has got you. Now the important question – cup or cone? Mary Helen Leonard @marymakesgood
Dessert in my opinion is epitomized by having crunchy, creamy, hot, and cold come together in a not too sweet way. I would have to say eclairs embody a perfect dessert. Candice @FCMammas
“Devil’s Candy” or “Dirty Brownies” – A layer of Choc chip cookie dough, a layer of Oreos, topped with a layer of brownies. Serve warm with ice cream. There probably isn’t a better dessert recipe out there. Tina Bassett @LIChevyMetsGrrl
Strawberry shortcake. It’s so simple and SO good! Lexi @glitterinclexi
Blueberry Fruit Squares – it is a homemade dessert with delicious blueberries and a soft vanilla brownie style base. Yum! Athena Nagel @stuffofsuccess
Gooey Butter Cake annette anderson @andersonann48
Carrot Cake Bargnhtress @Bargnhtr